This Pilates-Inspired Workout Will Strengthen Your Abs, Spinal Muscles and Breath Techniques

Here is a Pilates-inspired workout with benefits that include strengthening your abdominals, strengthening your spinal muscles and enhancing your breathing.

Deep Breathing Quadruped
Sets: 3 | Rest: 20 seconds

Bird Dog
Sets: 3 | Rest: 20 seconds

Bicycle Boxer
Sets: 3 | Rest: 60 seconds

Prone Flutter Kick
Sets: 3 | Rest: 60 seconds

V-Sit Rollover
Sets: 3 | Rest: 60 seconds

Sets: 3 | Rest: 60 seconds

Push-Up Hold With Lateral Foot Reach
Sets: 3 | Rest: 60 seconds

Photo credit: Tom Casey,; fizkes, Getty Images
Model: Sherri Swann, 24 Hour Fitness