The HIIT List: Five Reasons to Up the Intensity

HIIT has been called the closest thing to an exercise pill.

While it might take a bit more effort, there is now no doubt at all that high-intensity interval training is just what the doctor ordered.

Anyone who follows the latest in fitness news knows that HIIT is a hit. A big hit. But high-intensity interval training is much more than a fad – it is a scientifically proven way to build cardiovascular fitness, and research is revealing plenty more health benefits it can bestow. Here are five of the top researched reasons to put HIIT on your own workout list:

So, the research definitely supports HIIT. But what about the science that goes into actually designing an effective HIIT program? LES MILLS GRIT is designed to push the heart rate up as high as possible, as often as possible in a 30 minute phase. The workout is designed to have these very high spikes of intensity, followed by a complete recovery. And it’s those spikes that generate the types of biochemical changes that are very specific to a HIIT workout. The workout is then tested by a team led by Dr. Jinger Gottschall of Penn State University to measure its efficacy, and only then made available.

This piece originally appeared on

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