Six TRX-Assisted Moves for Pregnant Women

The list of exercise benefits during pregnancy is more than a mile long, and most women are well-aware that they should include physical activity during the nine months of their child’s development. But let’s face it: Pregnancy isn’t a cakewalk for most women. Nausea, sleepless nights, hip and back pain, round ligament pain and weight gain are just a few of the many discomforts women may experience during their pregnancy, making a fitness plan less and less appealing.

While some women are able to continue to run marathons and participate in vigorous boot-camp classes, others find it a struggle to simply stand up and walk across a room. With TRX Suspension Training, movements can be regressed and progressed to adapt to any ability level, making it the perfect fitness tool for all stages of pregnancy. The Suspension Trainer is also essential to help alleviate the aches and pains women may feel along their pregnancy journey.

Below are six stretches or movements using the TRX Suspension Trainer for stability and assistance during pregnancy.

TRX Lower-Back Stretch (wide stance)

Because of the forced anterior pelvic tilt caused by increased weight in the belly, the lower back and hamstrings often tighten up. This natural traction will help decrease discomfort and lower-back pain from carrying a baby.

TRX Chest Stretch

Many expectant mothers experience a shortening in the muscles of the chest.

TRX Low Row

Along with the shortening of the chest muscles, the upper-back muscles can weaken, leading to a “hunched” posture. TRX low rows are a great modifiable exercise to combat this.

TRX-Assisted Squat and Lunge

Strengthening the glutes is important to help stabilize the hips and improve posture during pregnancy. Assisted lunges are also great for improving both balance and leg strength. As pregnancy progresses, a woman typically gains more weight and her joints become more lax, which can make lunges more difficult. Squats and lunges can be unloaded using a Suspension Trainer for support.

TRX-Resisted Heel Tap

Gently training the transverse abdominals can help prevent or alleviate diastasis recti, a thinning of the linea alba and a protrusion in the middle of the belly.

Prenatal precautions: The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AGOC) published its first recommendations on exercise in 1985. Since then, these have been updated in 1994 and again in 2002. You can read the complete current ACOG Clinical Guidelines to learn how to identify absolute and relative contraindications to exercise during pregnancy. Reasons to discontinue exercise and seek medical advice include vaginal bleeding; sudden swelling of the ankles, hands or face; dizziness or faintness; persistent, severe headaches and/or visual disturbances; chest pain, excessive fatigue or palpitations; unexplained abdominal pain; calf pain or swelling; persistent contractions that may be indicative of preterm labor; insufficient weight gain (less than 2.2 pounds (1 kilogram) per month during the last two trimesters); and amniotic fluid leakage. (Source: American College of Sports Medicine. (2000). ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.)

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