Heard of HISS? Try This High Intensity Steady State Workout

High intensity interval training (or HIIT) has gotten plenty of press for its strength-building and weight-loss benefits. Push hard and rest briefly between rounds of work, and research says you’ll burn more fat compared to cardio activity at a steady rate. But there are benefits to a plain-and-simple treadmill session, too: Studies show working at slightly less intense levels than you would for HIIT actually helps develop heart function that ultimately can lead to a lower resting heart rate.

All you need for this workout is a medicine ball (or a dumbbell).


Fundamental Get-Up

Traveling Jumping Jack


Lateral Scissor Jump


Dead Push-Up

Lateral Lunge Chest Reach

Lateral Shuffle Medicine Ball Chest Press



Legs on Wall Pose

Photo credit: skynesher, Getty Images
GIFs: Tom Casey, box24studio.com
Model: Krista Jacobs, 24 Hour Fitness