Clean Sweep

Cleaning out toxic clutter: that’s one requisite for your body to “focus” on functioning properly. Your lymphatic system is made up of millions of vessels that gather excess water, protein, cells and unusable stuff (often called toxins). This fluid, simply referred to as lymph, passes through lymph nodes, which process and filter the proteins, cells and toxins. Further processing happens in organs and tissues such as the spleen, thymus, adenoids and tonsils.

This filtration and processing is also critical to the healthy function of the immune system. Lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that develops in the bone marrow, destroy foreign cells, particles and substances that invade the body. The lymphatic system moves lymphocytes between our bone marrow, lymph fluid and blood.

Lymph needs you

Healthy lymph circulation relies on movement. Muscle contractions squeeze lymph along the vessels. Moving also elevates the heart rate, pumping more blood, which in turn gets all other fluids in the body moving.

An elevated heart rate also increases our breathing and makes us sweat — two ways the lymph system expels toxins. This kicks into high gear when we’re feeling yucky. No workout can generate the kind of sweats that come with food poisoning or the stomach flu. We really do “sweat it out.”

Get on up

Movements that start in a ground-based position and end in a standing position help the lymphatic system function at its best. In particular, movements that bring the feet closer to the hips provide the best pump. These “ground to standing” movements (a term coined by the preventative health group Institute of Motion) have a whole host of benefits:

Try these at home (or at the office, the gym, school, etc.)

Hands and feet to standing (beginner movement)

Plank step to standing (intermediate movement)

Kneeling toe roll to standing (advanced movement)