20 Moves to Master in 2020

Workouts are our thing, we love them! And our members do too. Here are 20 of the top moves that you will need for 2020, selected and modeled by our incredible team. Many are classic moves that add value to any training goal; remixed into a workout, they help you move into the new year feeling fierce and ready for anything.

Pick one or two moves to try, keeping in mind the technique tips and advice to make them easier or harder based on your goals and personal needs. Add them to a workout once or twice a week and supplement with a cardio session, a 24GO daily challenge workout, your favorite class or a walk or run in nature.

With practice and consistency, you’ll soon master these moves and feel results. Even better, try them with a friend. No matter which ones you choose, you’ll find the addition is worth it!


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Model: Steven Au-Young, 24 Hour Fitness

At some point, everyone who’s into fitness has gotten into push-ups—and not just “add-them-into-my-workout” into them, but “seven-weeks-to-100-push-ups” into them and “100-push-ups-a-day” into them. But before you can take on a max push-up challenge, you’ve got to get the form right. So follow along to master the perfect push-up.

Tip: Mindset is everything when it comes to push-ups. Think “strong as steel from your head to your heels!”

Discover more Push-Up technique tips.

Front-Loaded Squat

Model: Sherri Swan, 24 Hour Fitness

This move is a fixture in the strength and conditioning world, and it can be performed with a variety of weight options—including a dumbbell, medicine ball or barbell. Some would argue that the front squat with a barbell is a safer alternative to a back squat with a barbell, because there is less spinal compression and axial loading. This is a great strength movement that primarily works the entire anterior chain.

Make it easier: Place a box behind you that you can sit on and find on each rep or perform with no weight.

Make it harder: Graduate to using a heavy barbell. Slow down your tempo, decelerating for a count of five.

Discover more Front-Loaded Squat technique tips.

Chest Press

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Model: Chellie Thomas

The chest press is the quintessential upper-body strength-training exercise. The bench press has been used by athletes, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts for decades. While the chest press with the barbell is common, there are plenty of variations of the chest press and many different tools that will use the same technique.

Make it easier: Use the chest-press machine.

Make it harder: Add more weight to the bar, try it with a narrow grip, use a bench that is on an incline or use dumbbells.

Discover more Chest Press technique tips.

Kettlebell Swing

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Model: Chris Alberts, 24 Hour Fitness

In the farm markets of 18th century Russia, kettlebells were used to weigh crops. In the 1800s, they were featured in strongman circus acts, and by the 1900s, they had become an important athletic training tool in Russia and Europe.

Today, kettlebell training and competition is a worldwide phenomenon that has produced different styles and competitive standards (like girevoy and hard style). But all forms of kettlebell training start with this one move: the kettlebell swing. It builds an important skill called strength endurance: the ability to generate force for an extended period of time.

Make it easier: Start with a soft sandbell, a dumbbell (which can be easier on the grip) or a medicine ball.

Make it harder: Swing faster or swing heavier. Kettlebell swings are no cakewalk. A 20-pound kettlebell is a beast to be reckoned with!

Discover more Kettlebell Swing technique tips.

Turkish Get-Up

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Model: Maggie Jesse

The Turkish Get-Up (TGU) is a very complex but extremely rewarding move that challenges your stability and mobility at the same time during the entire move. It is also a drill that challenges you neurologically, as you have to navigate your body from the ground up and back down using a sub-maximal load. The TGU is the sum of multiple moves in all planes of motion, challenging every joint and muscle in the body, specifically the hips, shoulders, thoracic spine, quads and glutes.

Tip: Doing too much too soon. Take your time before you move to the next step. Don’t rush; get it right. Start with body weight.

Make it easier: Take your time before you move to the next step. Don’t rush; get it right. Start with body weight.

Make it harder: Add some load, like a kettlebell, dumbbell or SandBell.

Discover more Turkish Get-Up technique tips,


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Model: Glenn Payne III, 24 Hour Fitness

The pull-up is one of the most popular body-weight movements of all time. Having to fight gravity directly, it is also considered one of the most challenging moves to perform; often, it is used as a gauge for an individual’s upper-body strength.

Make It Easier: Use an assisted pull-up machine, or use a band that you step your foot in.

Make It Harder: Use a slower tempo, or add a weight vest.

Discover more Pull-Up technique tips.

Speed Skater

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Model: Maggie Chen, 24 Hour Fitness

This is a terrific exercise for lower-body strength and cardiovascular fitness. Even if you never step foot on a skating track, the leg power you will build with this drill makes it worth trying!

Make it easier: Instead of jumping, step to each side. If the single-leg balance is still tricky, touch your free leg down to the ground for balance.

Make it harder: Add some weight, like a medicine ball or ViPR PRO. Just remember to stay strong in your upper body.

Discover more Speed Skater technique tips.

Wood Chop

Model: Brooke Walsh, 24 Hour Fitness

Want powerful hips? Rock-solid abs? A strong back? Who doesn’t?! This classic movement isn’t just for farmhands and lumberjacks—it’s for anyone who wants to build a powerful movement foundation.

The wood chop is also a great functional exercise because it takes the body through movement in the transverse plane by rotating through the trunk, mimicking many of the movements we do daily (putting on a seat belt, putting a box on a high shelf).

Tip: Control the weight—do not let momentum take over. Focus on quickly stopping the weight or your hands at the top and bottom of the move.

Make it easier: Slow it down and concentrate on the quick stop.

Make it harder: Add some load, like a medicine ball, dumbbell or SandBell.

Discover more Wood Chop technique tips.

Side Kick

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Model: Vinh Duong, 24 Hour Fitness

The side kick is a staple and both a defensive and offensive move in Karate, Tae Kwon Do and other martial arts, and it has been especially popularized in Tae Bo, Turbo Kick and Les Mills BODYCOMBAT. While Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris and the Avengers made this move look very easy in the movies, there are a number of steps and techniques to keep in mind.

Make it easier: Practice the chamber only. If you really need it, use a support like a chair or a body bar to help you balance, or have a trainer or friend nearby to support you.

Make it harder: Make it compound movement. Transition from other movements into the side kick. For example, step laterally and down into a squat, and then step back out and execute a side kick.

Discover more Side Kick technique tips.


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Model: Krista Jacobs, 24 Hour Fitness

This is one of the most popular exercises in fitness used in weightlifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, and strength and conditioning. This exercise is often measured to help gauge total-body strength, and competitions take place all around the world to judge the amount of weight someone can deadlift. Additionally, the barbell deadlift is used in all facets of fitness, considering we need to be able to pick things up and down off the floor our entire lives.

Make it easier: Perform from a rack position. You also can sub the barbell for a center-hold kettlebell deadlift.

Make it harder: Increase load or number of reps.

Discover more Barbell Deadlift technique tips.

Squat Thruster

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Model: Jiji Pollock, 24 Hour Fitness

The squat thruster is a staple in many metabolic conditioning programs because it is a very taxing movement on your muscular, cardiovascular and nervous systems. This move is one of the most popular total-body movements being used today.

Make it easier: Use one weight for both hands (medicine ball, dumbbell, kettlebell).

Make it harder: Increase load or rep, alternate the pressing arm with each squat or use a heavy barbell.

Discover more Squat Thruster technique tips.

Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift

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Model: Nick Routson, 24 Hour Fitness

This is such a big-bang-for-your-buck movement. It’s a single-leg balance plus a hip hinge, and it builds deep strength in your back, hips, glutes and hamstrings. Named after a Romanian lifter in the early ’90s, it has become a mainstay in power and sports training.

Make it easier: Try it with no weight at all. If you can’t balance for the whole movement yet, try doing it in a split stance, with your back toe on the ground for stability.

Make it harder (pictured): Hold the dumbbell in your opposite hand and stand on your other leg.

Discover more Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift technique tips.

Barbell Snatch

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Model: Logan Schwartz

The snatch is one of two events in competitive Olympic weightlifting. (The clean-and-jerk is the other.) The snatch is composed of three lifts that look like one. You have the deadlift, the pull and the catch. When performed correctly, it looks like one fluid movement.

The most important thing to consider when adding this to your resume of successful movements performed in the gym is that this move is more than an exercise. It is a skill. It is part of a sport. It requires tremendous particular attention to the technique. There is a very high rate of injury in this movement because of the velocity and precision needed for this sport.

Part 1: The deadlift

Part 2: The pull

Part 3: The catch

You have successfully performed one rep of the barbell snatch.

Make it easier: Perform the one-arm dumbbell power snatch. This is a supplemental movement that involves all the coordination of the barbell snatch with less load and complexity in the catch phase of the movement.

Make it harder: Perform a barbell snatch from blocks. Set the barbell on blocks that are about knee height. This makes the movement so much harder because it is difficult to generate leverage and velocity. Your technique must be perfect to successfully snatch the barbell.

Discover more Barbell Snatch technique tips.

Tuck Jump

Watch the VideoModel: Brandon Garcia

It might not be the first move that comes to mind when we think about fitness, but tuck jumps are the exercise when we’re talking about true athleticism. These elastic jumps help us build explosive power and springiness by training plyometric actions in our muscles and elastic recoil in our fascia.

Make it easier: Try vertical jumps without the tuck, one at a time. As you feel more comfortable, add more jumps and then the tuck.

Make it harder: Make it a traveling tuck jump by moving forward with each jump.

Make it even harder: Move side to side with each jump.

Discover more Tuck Jump technique tips.

Dead Bug

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Model: Jiji Pollock, 24 Hour Fitness

The dead bug is a functional core movement that is used to help create spinal stability and take stress off the spine by allowing gravity to take pressure off the back. The change in orientation from long days of sitting causes compression in the spine. This is a great movement to decompress the spine and relax while also igniting the core.

Make it easier: Lower your leg to tap your toes to the ground instead of extending.

Make it harder: Try to do this on a BOSU ball with the dome pointing up.

Discover more Dead Bug technique tips.

Russian Twist

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Model: Raymond Bentley, 24 Hour Fitness

Just like the salad dressing, no one knows how this abdominal drill became “Russian,” but (again, like the dressing) it’s too good to worry about the name. No core-training program or ab day would be complete without the oblique conditioning you’ll get from the Russian twist. If you’re already on your way to six-pack abs, this drill might help you bump it up to an eight-pack. For the rest of us, the loaded twisting makes a pretty fantastic core challenge.

Make it easier: Keep your feet on the floor, use a lighter weight or don’t use any weight at all.

Make it harder: Lean back farther, use a heavier weight or try scissoring your legs at the same time.

Discover more Russian Twist technique tips.

Single-Leg Hip Bridge

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Model: Tiffany Hamlin, 24 Hour Fitness

A hip bridge is one of the simplest yet most effective moves for your posterior chain, specifically your glutes. Often chosen less than double-leg movements, single-leg movements host a myriad of benefits not available on two legs, including building rotary stability, balance and the engagement of smaller muscle groups.

Make it easier: Start with a double-leg bilateral hip bridge.

Make it harder: Place a weight (barbell, dumbbell, plate) along the crease of your hip and elevate your upper back on a bench.

Discover more Single-Leg Hip Bridge technique tips.

Bicycle Crunch

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Model: Logan Schwartz

The bicycle crunch has been a staple in the fitness community for many years. This exercise requires not only core strength but also full-body synchronization and timing between upper and lower body.

Make it easier: Keep your knees bent and tap your toes to the ground instead of extending your legs.

Make it harder: Place a mini-band around your mid-foot, stretching out the band as you bicycle.

Discover more Bicycle Crunch technique tips.

Downward-Facing Dog

Model: Chellie Thomas

This is the yogi-est of all yoga moves (in North America, at least). Adho mukha śvānāsana (as it’s known more formally) is an incredible classic pose for mobility and body-weight strength and self-awareness.

Make it easier: Lift up high on the balls of your feet and bend your knees softly to lengthen the spine and focus on the stretch in your back. Or bend one knee at a time and alternate bringing your heels off the ground, pedaling through your feet. You also can try this move with your hands on yoga blocks or a chair.

Make it harder: The goal is not harder, but to gain more understanding, space and alignment in the pose. You wake up Downward-Facing Dog through a roving focus on the alignment and the engagement and release of every muscle in your body. Practice building strength and endurance in the pose by holding it longer with a conscious breath and roving your attention through each square inch of your body, holding the pose and managing the thoughts that arise as you aim to maintain integrity of alignment.

Discover more Downward-Facing Dog technique tips.

Recovery Breathing

Model: Krista Jacobs, 24 Hour Fitness

Most breathing techniques focus on yoga, stress management or meditation. But we can use breathing techniques to help us get the most out of more intense workouts, too. Have you ever played a sport or taken a high-intensity class that left you breathless? Master this technique to help slow your breathing and heart rate so you can recover faster.

Discover more Recovery Breathing technique tips.

Photo credit: skynesher, Getty Images; Tom Casey, box24studio.com