10-Minute Full-Body Mobility Routine

Stay limber and invigorated with this full-body mobility routine.

We all know we need to stretch and move our bodies more, especially if we have to spend a big part of our day sitting at work or in our cars. And even if we have standing desks or are lucky enough to get up and move around regularly, we still don’t put our body through its full range of motion.

This is why I want to share this efficient and effective full-body mobility routine that can help keep you from feeling tight and stiff after a long day. It can also be a great warm-up before your gym or at-home workouts!

Because they are often neglected in our daily movement patterns, the neck and spine are emphasized in this routine. This routine also follows a general “center to outward” pattern, which is an efficient way to build upon movements, and the beginning of the routine is a natural warm-up for the rest of it.

At a good steady pace without rushing, this routine takes about 10 minutes of your time, and you can definitely make it shorter or longer depending upon your needs at the moment. In general, five controlled and steady repetitions is a good start for all of the movements. You can also choose to hold the stretched positions for a few seconds after those five repetitions. Again, feel free to adjust and do more or less depending on how much time you have and what you feel needs more of an emphasis.

Each repetition serves as a warm-up for the next one, and you should feel as if you are moving better as you continue on. If you feel strain and tension, then you are likely pushing too much for that range and are better off dialing it down. Remember, you should feel better in the last repetition than you felt in the first!



Rotations side to side

Up and downs


Flexed with rotations

Flexed and rotated with sidebending

Rotated with sidebending


Kneeling back flexion to prone lying back extension

Spine sidebending (“wag the tail”)

Spine circles

Sidelying spine sidebend and rotation


Kneeling lunge

Hip rotations in squat

Hip rotations in squat


Cross-arm stretch

Mid-back rotations

Alternating shoulder prayer stretch

Wrists and fingers

Finger stretch

Wrist stretch, fingers back

Wrist stretch fingers forward

Wrist stretch back of hand

This routine is meant to be used anytime you feel you need it, and can be shortened depending on how much time you have, either by reducing the repetitions or taking out a few exercises.

I would recommend going through the whole routine once a day, because it is so useful for maintaining and improving your overall movement. Then, as you become more aware of what body areas need more attention, you can pick which ones to do more often.

Our time in our dedicated workout sessions is very important for our health and fitness, but don’t neglect your body in the rest of your day. Take a few minutes to move and stretch and give your body the movement it craves. I guarantee you’ll feel more invigorated and ready to do all the things you need to do!

Photo credit: fizkes, Thinkstock